Hi, Today's quick tip is about accessing Dell's recovery partition. How many times did you felt like your computer has gone mad due to viruses or the extra load of software that you have loaded up over a period of time. I used to wonder how do we access Dell's recovery partition as its not available through some obvious means. I just learned how to do this so sharing it with the people so that it may save someone some time.
The Tip:
To access Dell's recovery partition, you need to press Ctrl+F11 right after turning the machine on. If it do not show up by pressing once, you may repeat the key sequence "gently". Once its gone beyond the BIOS screen and started to load the OS, means that you missed the spot and you need to restart the computer again to go through the same cycle again. After successfully invoking Dell System Recovery, it will show up the default drive image and will provide you an option to refresh you computer to factory defaults. Everything in the boot drive (usually the "C:" drive) will be replaced with the contents it shipped with.
You can also make a new image to restore from using Dell System Recovery tool. To access that you will have to go through the same procedure as the recovery procedure.
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This tip does not seem to work with some Dell Inspiron computers (and may be many others). For those it do not work can user "Dell DataSafe" software's local restore option, that ships with your Dell Laptops and Desktops.